KNX switch actuator 1gang 16 A with binary input 3gang flush-mounted Features: Inputs: Depending on the ETS parameterisation in the application for switches, push-buttons or contacts, inputs 1 and 2 either act internally on the relay output or separately on the KNX. Input 3 always acts on the KNX. Functions for the inputs when acting on the KNX (switching, dimming, shutter, value transmitter, scene extension unit, 2-channel operation, controller extension unit, no function). Switching: Command when closing and opening the contact can be set (no reaction, ON, OFF, TOGETHER). Dimming: Dimming of brightness and/or colour temperature. Command when closing the contact, time between switching and dimming, dimming in different steps, telegram repetition in case of long signal at the input and sending of a stop telegram at the end of the dimming process configurable. Blind: Command when closing the contact and operating concept can be parameterised. Times for short and long signal at the input and slat adjustment adjustable. Value transmitter: Functioning as 1-byte, 2-byte, 3-byte or 6-byte value transmitter including colour temperature and colour value transmitter possible. Individually configurable values. Optionally, a value adjustment is possible with a long signal at the input (not with the 6-byte value transmitter). Scene extension unit: Mode of operation (without or with memory function) and scene number can be set. 2-channel operation: When closing the contact at the input, up to two telegrams can be sent out on the KNX. Operating concept adjustable (channel 1 only or channel 2 both channels). The mode of operation of the channels (1-bit, 1-byte, 2-byte, 3-byte, 6-byte) can be configured separately. Controller extension unit: Functionality (operating mode switching, forced operating mode switching, presence function and setpoint shift) configurable. Locking of all or individual inputs possible via a 1-bit object. Polarity of the blocking object, behaviour at the beginning and end of the blocking and behaviour during an active blocking can be set. Logic functions: The unit has 8 internal logic functions. Logic gates (AND, OR, exclusive AND, exclusive OR, each with up to 4 inputs). 1-bit-to-1-byte converter with input filter, blocking object and presetting of the output values. Blocking element with filter and time functions and blocking object. Comparator for values with 9 different input data formats and many comparison operations. Limit switch with hysteresis with upper and lower threshold for 9 different input data formats. Incl. specification of the 1-bit output values. The logic functions have their own KNX communication objects and can process telegrams from the actuator or other bus devices. Switching of electrical loads via a relay contact. Device has three inputs with a common reference potential. Reading of switching states of installation switches or push-buttons and other potential-free contacts at inputs 1 to 3. Signal evaluation of dew and leakage sensors (see accessories) at inputs 1 to 3. Acquisition of temperature values via remote sensors (see accessories) at input 3. Up to 8 independent logic functions for realising simple or complex logic operations. Actively sending feedback or status messages can be delayed after bus voltage recovery or after an ETS programming operation. Bistable relay. Switching functions: Normally open or normally closed operation. Central switching function via up to 6 switching objects (ON, OFF, permanently ON, permanently OFF). Switching feedback: Active or passive feedback function. Reaction on bus voltage failure or bus voltage recovery and after an ETS programming operation can be set. Logical logic operation function. Blocking function or forced position function can be parameterised. Extended disable function with acknowledgement option. Time functions (switch-on, switch-off delay, staircase lighting function - also with pre-warning function). Inclusion in light scenes possible: Up to 64 internal scenes can be parameterised