Gasket assortment for sanitary
Building services, 2021 Gaskets/sanitary parts. Gasket case
made of sheet steel for sanitary. The tried and tested case for
service, maintenance and repair. Size: 440 x 330 x 66 mm
7336 - 100 pieces of fibre rings, 9 x 14 mm 3/8-
7337 - 100 pieces of fibre rings, 10 x 18 mm 1/2-
7332 - 100 pieces of fibre rings, 12 x 19 mm for shower hose 1/2-
7348 - 60 pieces of fibre rings, 16 x 24 x 2.5 mm 3/4- for S-connection -Dackel feet-
7341 - 100 pieces of fibre rings, 17 x 21 mm for tap tops 3/8-
7342 - 100 pieces of fibre rings, 21 x 25 mm 1/2-
3660 - 60 pieces valve seals, suitable for GROHE Longlife tops
4159 - 5 pieces sleeves suitable for DAL pressure flushers
4134 - 5 pieces float diaphragms 18 mm ø
4135 - 5 pieces float diaphragms 22 mm ø suitable for JOMO cisterns
3516 - 50 pieces tap washers with hole 16 mm ä. ø
8142 - 25 pieces GI siphon seals, 30 x 39 mm 1 1/4-
8842 - 25 pieces OHA-Press siphon seals 30 x 39 mm 1 1/4-
8143 - 20 pieces GI siphon seals, 35 x 45 mm 1 1/2-
8843 - 25 pieces OHA-Press siphon seals, 35 x 45 mm 1 1/2-
7333 - 15 pieces GI immersion pipe seals, 30 x 37 mm 1 1/4-
7334 - 10 pieces GI immersion pipe seals, 38 x 44 mm 1 1/2-
8175 - 80 pieces GI perlator seals, 15 x 21 x 2 mm M22
7414 - 60 pieces GI perlator seals, 14 x 21 x 3 mm M24
3513 - 100 pieces tap washers with hole 13 mm ø 1/4- and 3/8- ø 1/4- and 3/8-
3514 - 100 pieces tap washers with hole 14 mm ä. ø 3/8-
3515 - 100 pieces tap washers with hole 15 mm ä. ø 3/8- and 1/2-
3516 - 75 pieces tap washers with hole 16 mm ä. ø 1/2-
3517 - 50 pieces tap washers with hole 17 mm ä. ø 1/2-
3524 - 20 pieces tap washers with hole 24 mm ä. ø 3/4-
3613 - 100 pieces tap washers 13 mm ä. ø 1/4- and 3/8-
3616 - 75 pieces Water tap washers 16 mm ä. ø 1/2-
7360 - 100 pieces GI-squeeze seals, 8 x 14 mm 3/8- for low pressure fitting
7361 - 100 pieces GI-squeeze seals, 10 x 14 mm 3/8-
7362 - 50 pieces GI-squeeze seals, 8 x 18 mm 1/2-
7363 - 50 pieces GI-squeeze seals, 10 x 18 mm 1/2-
8120 - 40 pieces GI-rings for hose fittings, 12 x 23 mm 1/2-
8150 - 20 pieces GI-rings for hose fittings, self-adhesive 12 x 23 mm 1/2-
8151 - 7 pieces GI-rings for hose fittings, self-adhesive 21 x 30 mm 3/4-
4100 - 1 piece Rubber O-ring Boy seal assortment,
consisting of 15 types = 100 pieces total content, of the most common rubber O-rings
5370 - 1 tube of OHA special O-ring grease, 25 ml toxicologically safe for the
foodstuffs sector
6116 - 5 pieces of PVC wedge seals, 1 1/4- suitable for GROHE® siphon
6117 - 5 pieces of PVC wedge seals, 1 1/4- suitable for SCHEFFER siphon
6101 - 5 pieces of PVC wedge seals, 1 1/2-
6152 - 1 piece valve plug with large split ring
6144 - 2 pieces valve plug 40.5 mm ø
6145 - 2 pieces valve plug 43.5 mm ø
6146 - 2 pieces valve plug 45.5 mm ø
5250 - 1 piece ball chain 300 mm
5252 - 1 piece ball chain 500 mm ø
GI cistern membranes:
7306 - 2 pieces suitable for GERBERIT 10200, 63 x 23 x 3 mm
7355 - 2 pieces suitable for GERBERIT 10000, 20000+27000, 63 x 32 x 3 mm
7401 - 2 pieces suitable for DAL 29 x 65 x 3 mm
7402 - 2 pieces suitable for MIRA 24 x 64 x 4 mm
7400 - 2 pieces suitable for WISA 65 x 23,5 x 3 mm
4121 - 1 piece suitable for -Düsseldorfer- cistern 9 l, 28 mm i. ø
5885 - 1 piece asbestos-free round cord 6 mm ø, 1 m
5886 - 1 piece asbestos-free round cord 8 mm ø, 1 m
6118 - 25 pieces PE water knife seals, 23 x 29 x 2 mm 3/4-
6119 - 5 pieces PE water knife seals, 29 x 37 x 2 mm 1-
2123 - 3 pieces hose clamps, 16 - 25 mm, clamping range 1/2-
2125 - 2 pieces hose clamps, 20 - 32 mm, clamping range 3/4-
7302 - 5 pieces GI siphon saucer seal 44 x 55 mm suitable for 52 mm saucer
5358 - 1 roll PTFE sealing tape DVGW-tested
333 - 2 pieces bead jet regulator M22 internal thread
338 - 2 pieces bead jet regulator M24 external thread
2204 - 5 pieces dirt sieves
Consisting of:
- Fibre rings:
7336: 100 pieces, 9 x 14 x 1.8 mm (3/8")
7337: 100 pieces, 10 x 18 x 1.8 mm (1/2")
7332: 100 pieces, 12 x 19 x 1.8 mm (for shower hose 1/2")
7342: 100 pieces, 21 x 25 mm (1/2")
- Fibre rings for S-connections:
7348: 60 pieces, 16 x 24 x 2.5 mm (3/4")
- Fibre rings for tap tops:
7341:100 pieces, 17 x 21 mm (3/8")
- Valve seals suitable for GROHE®-Longlife tops:
3660: 60 pieces, 1/2"
- Sleeves for pressure flushers DAL:
4159: 5 pieces
- Float diaphragms:
4134: 5 pieces, 18 mm
4135: 5 pieces, 22 mm (for JUMO cisterns)
- Tap washers with hole:
3516: 50 pieces, 16 mm
3513: 100 pieces, 13 mm (1/4", 3/8")
3514: 100 pieces, 14 mm (3/8")
3515: 100 pieces, 15 mm (3/8", 1/2")
3516: 75 pieces, 16 mm (1/2")
3517: 50 pieces, 17 mm (1/2")
3524: 20 pieces, 24 mm (3/4")
3613: 100 pieces, 24 mm (3/4")
3613: 75 pieces, 16 mm (1/2")
- GI siphon seals:
8142: 25 pieces, 30 x 39 mm (1 1/4")
8143: 20 pieces, 35 x 45 mm (1 1/2")
- OHA® press siphon seals:
8842: 25 pieces, 30 x 39 mm (1 1/4")
8843: 25 pieces, 35 x 45 mm (1 1/2")
- GI dip tube gaskets:
7333: 15 pieces, 30 x 37 mm (1 1/4")
7334: 10 pieces, 38 x 44 mm (1/2")
- GI perlator gaskets:
14 x 21 x 3 mm (M 24)
- GI squeeze seals:
7360: 100 pieces, 8 x 14 mm (3/8" for low pressure)
7361: 100 pieces, 10 x 14 mm (3/8")
7362: 50 pieces, 8 x 18 mm (1/2")
7363: 50 pieces, 10 x 18 mm (1/2")
- GI rings for conduit fittings:
8120: 40 pieces, 12 x 23 mm (1/2")
8150: 20 pieces, 12 x 23 mm (1/2" self-adhesive)
8151: 7 pieces, 21 x 30 mm (3/4" self-adhesive)
- Rubber O-ring assortment:
4100: 1 piece, (15 types = 100 pieces)
- OHA® special O-ring grease:
5370: 1 piece, 25 ml
- PVC wedge seals:
6116: 5 pieces, 1 1/4" (for GROHE® siphon)
6117: 5 pieces, 1 1/4" (for Scheffer siphon)
6101: 5 pieces, 1 1/2"
- Valve plugs:
6152: 1 piece, with large split ring
6144: 2 pieces, 40.5 mm
6145: 2 pieces, 43.5 mm
6146: 2 pieces, 45.5 mm
- Ball chains:
5250: 1 piece, 300 mm
5252: 1 piece, 500 mm
- GI cistern membranes:
7306: 2 pieces, 63 x 23 x 3 mm (for GEBERIT® 10200)
7355: 2 pieces, 63 x 32 x 3 mm (for GEBERIT® 10000, 20000, 27000)
7401: 2 pieces, 29 x 65 x 3 mm (for DAL)
7402: 2 pieces, 24 x 64 x 4 mm (for MIRA)
7400: 2 pieces, 65 x 23.5 x 3 mm (for WISA)
4121: 1 piece, 28 mm (for Düsseldorfer cisterns)
- Asbestos-free round cord:
5885: 1 piece, 6 mm
5886: 1 piece, 8 mm
- PE water knife seals:
6118: 25 pieces, 23 x 29 x 2 mm (3/4")
6119: 5 pieces, 29 x 37 x 2 mm (1")
- Hose clamps:
2123: 3 pieces, 16 - 25 mm, clamping range 1/2"
2125: 2 pieces. 20 - 32 mm, clamping range 3/4"
- GI siphon saucer seals:
7302: 5 pieces, 44 x 55 mm (for 52 mm saucer)
- PTFE sealing tape DVGW-tested:
5358: 1 piece
- Perl jet regulator:
333: 2 pieces, M 22 IT
338: 2 pieces, M 24 ET
- Dirt trap strainer:
2204: 1 piece